Cercle Royal des Echecs de Charleroi

22nd Pays de Charleroi International Tournament



Quentin De Heug

e-mail: cercleechecscharleroi@gmail.com - Phone: 0032.496.510.512

Registration fee

GM, IM, FM: free (if registered before July 15)


60 €

(50 € if paid before July 15)

Juniors (born after 1/1/2005):

50 €

(40 € if paid before July 15)

To be paid on CREC account: BE73 3600 4841 8160 mentioning: "TIPC 2025" (european payments: IBAN= BE73 3600 4841 8160, BIC= BBRUBEBB).

To register in the Open, please use this form.

Possibility of registration and payment on the spot.

The latest registration day is on Saturday, July 26, the opening day of the Open. All players are requested to attend the referee table (or call) between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm to confirm their participation. For those who still have to register, please do so before 2:00 pm. Thank you.


9 rounds FIDE certified tournament (time control: 90 min. for 40 moves then 30 min. QPF with 30 sec. by move from the first move)

GM or IM title norms can be awarded in the event

Accelerated pairings
Sofia rules (at least 20 moves and 1 hour of play). New FIDE rules (electronic devices are forbidden in the playing venue).

Referees: Luc Cornet (IA - BEL), Renaud Barreau (FA - BEL), Philippe Sauvé (IA - FRA), Timothé Scaillet (B - BEL)


Van der Valk



Other accommodation

For accommodation, please contact Laurent Delescaille.

Also, some listings of lodgings in Charleroi and surroundings are available:
Hotels and guest rooms in Charleroi ; Gîtes de Wallonie ; Belsud ; accueil champètre ; campsites.


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